Inside Painting Snuff Bottle, Common Quality


We have added more designs of inside painting snuff bottle, Common Quality, for detail,please refer to What's New.


bottle-1.JPG (9144 bytes) bottle-2.JPG (8808 bytes) bottle-3.JPG (9028 bytes) snuff77.JPG (9544 bytes)
snuff bottle #b01 snuff bottle #b02 snuff bottle #b03 snuff bottle #b04


snuff166.JPG (9269 bytes) snuff99.JPG (8879 bytes) snuff1.JPG (8069 bytes) snuff122.JPG (8765 bytes)
snuff bottle #b05 snuff bottle #b06 snuff bottle #b07 snuff bottle #b08


snuff13.JPG (9681 bytes) snuff14.JPG (9761 bytes) snuff15.JPG (9041 bytes) snuff8.JPG (8881 bytes)
snuff bottle #b09 snuff bottle #b010 snuff bottle #b011 snuff bottle #b012


snuff188.JPG (10657 bytes) snuff199.JPG (8796 bytes) snuff2.JPG (7401 bytes) snuff200.JPG (8547 bytes)
snuff bottle #b013 snuff bottle #b014 snuff bottle #b015 snuff bottle #b016


snuff211.JPG (7319 bytes) snuff222.JPG (7980 bytes) snuff244.JPG (9569 bytes) snuff255.JPG (7405 bytes)
snuff bottle #b017 snuff bottle #b018 snuff bottle #b019 snuff bottle #b020


snuff26.JPG (7614 bytes) snuff3.JPG (9778 bytes) snuff4.JPG (9945 bytes) snuff5.JPG (10630 bytes)
snuff bottle #b021 snuff bottle #b022 snuff bottle #b023 snuff bottle #b024


snuff6.JPG (11409 bytes) snuff177.JPG (10853 bytes)
snuff bottle #b025 snuff bottle #b026

Hengshui Arts & Crafts Factory

No. 53, Xinhua Road, Hengshui City,Hebei Province
Post Code: 053000

Tel: +86-318-6013394
Fax: +86-318-7906223
